To Teach Writing Even Better: Quick Vocab + Authentic Engagement
Today, we’re sharing a method for quick and easy vocab words in your classroom… every day. But what student gets excited about simply seeing vocabulary words throughout the week? Not to worry, however; because we have another lesson plan suggestion for you to use to teach writing even better.
A Daily Vocabular Word to Your Inbox
Subscribing to Wordsmith’s free A.Word.A.Day email list gets you a vocab word emailed to your inbox every single day. Simple, snappy, and effortless. All you have to do is put your email on the list, and you’re ready to go! As another alternative, you can also use Merriam-Webster’s constantly updated Latest Trends page. This page is a regular showcase of words that people are using… like right now!
Word Consciousness as a Path to Teach Writing Better
Still, research has continued to show that to help our students build their vocab skills, we have to go beyond just lists. Instead of only having a vocab word of the day in your class, take those daily words and make a short writing prompt using them. It doesn’t even have to be anything fancy or even a long assignment. The goal here is to get those pens moving to build daily writing habits, word consciousness, and exploration on the part of your students. Pose a question, include the vocab word, and ask for their thoughts. You’ll discover your students love sharing what’s on their mind!
“Not to worry, however; because we have another lesson plan suggestion for you to use to teach writing even better.”
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