3 Tips for Better Proofreading
Probably one of the biggest ways to make an impact on your essay is to simply proofread it. After all, when your students do so, they’re able to catch misspellings, but also parts that might not to be cleaned up. While essay writing is a skill that takes years to develop, proofreading is a skill you can master quickly. And, we should add, an essay that’s been proofread is way easier on a reader’s (and a teacher’s) eyes.
In the past, we’ve also highlight the importance of having a friend or family member proofread your essay. Still, even after they’ve looked the writing over, one more proofreading session can’t hurt. Indeed, it can offer a student one last chance to modify, adapt, and expand on their ideas, all while ensuring their grammar and spelling. For some tips and tricks to proofreading, we turned to professional proofreaders and asked them to share their secrets.
· The first was to read your essay backwards. Yes, backwards! It promises to catch every misspelled word, because you’re forced not to skim and “fill in” the right words if the wrong ones are there.
· Second, step away for at least an hour before proofreading. If you’ve just finished your essay writing, it doesn’t make sense to dive right back in.
· And lastly, if you know you always miss a certain spelling or grammar rule, make a mental note to go back and check each instance of it. This way, with these 3 rules, you’re sure to have a perfectly proofread essay when it comes time to turn in your writing.
“Indeed, it can offer a student one last chance to modify, adapt, and expand on their ideas, all while ensuring their grammar and spelling.”
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