4 Online Tools for Your Young Readers
Earlier in the week, we shared some awesome #edtech tools for managing articles online. Whether your students are doing research for essay writing or they just love to save articles for later, there’s some great tools out there. So today, we wanted to share a few more for your young readers. In today’s world, literacy encompasses a whole lot, including how to navigate and consume information. But there seems to be sooooo much of it available! How do you keep it coming to you without getting lost?
RSS Readers are an outstanding tool for getting this done. Many sites have a small bit of code (don’t worry, you won’t need to do any actual coding) that allows a stream of their articles to be sent to an RSS reader. From there, your students can choose their sources and always be up-to-date on the latest and greatest. Here’s a few to check out:
“In today’s world, literacy encompasses a whole lot, including how to navigate and consume information. But there seems to be sooooo much of it available!”
Ready to give your students the very best writing tool there is? Schedule a chat with us!